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                  Shenzhen honghucheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd         

                  Shenzhen Qianzhao Technology Co., Ltd 

                Water fire rescue ship robot

                Water fire rescue ship robot

                radar detector

                radar detector

                Infrared life detector

                Infrared life detector

                Thermal imaging life detector

                Thermal imaging life detector

                Microseismic personnel inspection system

                Microseismic personnel inspection system

                When someone is hiding in the vehicle, the heart of the hiding person will beat rhythmically, and the vibration will be transmitted to the suspension of the vehicle and the bottom of the carriage. By connecting the sensor and the measured vehicle, the vib
                X3 finder radar life detector

                X3 finder radar life detector

                American X3 finder is a radar life detection system specially designed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NASA for global post disaster rescue events. It adopts advanced low emission microwave radar, which can penetrate 45cm solid concrete, d
                Taiwan aceco anti eavesdropping detector.

                Taiwan aceco anti eavesdropping detector.

                Taiwan aceco is the most advanced handheld digital anti eavesdropping detector, which is especially suitable for stars, politicians and businessmen, public security, procuratorial and judicial departments. It can measure the frequency of any digital, swi
                Household earthquake alarm

                Household earthquake alarm

                Product function introduction: 1. Geomagnetic wave detection: early warning when detecting changes in geomagnetic parameters before an earthquake 2. Seismic wave detection: alarm when detecting P-wave signal in case of earthquake 3. Inclination detecti
                PAl campus drill and early warning instrument

                PAl campus drill and early warning instrument

                Lightning arrester

                Lightning arrester

                Infrared thermal imaging detector

                Infrared thermal imaging detector

                Geological disaster early warning controller

                Geological disaster early warning controller

                PAL first aid kit

                PAL first aid kit

                Everyday accidental injuries are everywhere. It is inevitable that some injuries such as rubbing, touching and cutting occur in ordinary life, especially in families with the elderly and children. For example, when our housewives cook, they are most
                PAL emergency communication system

                PAL emergency communication system

                Portable design, small size and easy to carry. It can be connected to the command center according to needs, so that commanders can calmly face various emergency occasions
                PAL Earthquake precursor analyzer

                PAL Earthquake precursor analyzer

                The instrument records the geomagnetic field change in real time, collects and analyzes the geomagnetic field data before the earthquake, gives real-time early warning to the abnormal data, and sends the data
                Pipeline detector

                Pipeline detector





                电话:86-0755-26585900  13902474611









